"Today is February 19th, 2025. I had a healing session on the phone with Gabriela Nowak here in Wisconsin.
This is my 3rd session with Gabriela, and I found her healing sessions to be a par excellence in the non medical methods with higher results efficacy.
I hold two doctorate degrees, one on Eastern philosophy from England, and the 2nd doctorate degree is in education majoring in Himalayan Divinity and Herbology from the International Business School of Scandinavia accepted by world standards of education. I understand the natural healing arts, and I have published two such books, entitled, Mystic Experiences with Himalayan Masters. "I have written two other books in Hindi.
I gave Gabriela Nowak a five-star rating for her future clients to feel ashore of her talents, gifts, experiences, and novelty in the healing modalities." Warmly, Dr. Sant Swami Dharamananda. Wisconsin USA
"My NPT, energy session with Gabriela was far beyond my expectations....it truly was incredible....from her expert insight and most importantly her release of my old stored energy 🙏🏻 I certainly feel lighter now" Erin, Ancaster
"I have had the pleasure of attending an exceptional training session , and I cant say enough positive things about it. Gabriela was an amazing teacher, the seminar allowed me to explore my potential and discover new prospectives. She gave me tools and techniques to change my mindset for personal and professional growth. I highly recommend this seminar for others, it is a valuable opportunity if you want to make a change." Sophie, Oakville
"My fourth NPT sessions over the last year with Gabriela have been truly life changing. The results: emotional stability, increased confidence, certainty, a remarkable decrease in anxiety and an inner strength that keeps growing. In the past, often my decisions, both big and small, revolved around minimizing and managing my anxiety, and I often felt like I was missing the boat in life. It is such a relief to feel free of all that! I don't quite understand how this process changed me... but I love it!
The game has definitely changed and I have started to focus on the things that really matter to me. The things I used to run away from I no longer fear, and the things I once longed to do I am now doing. My happiness and newfound power has also radiated into the lives of those around me. You could say I am now navigating what excites me and makes me happy instead of patching a ship of nerves while sailing. It's as if, after all the exploring, I know my place for the first time. Thank you, Gabriela!" Don, Toronto
"Hi Gabriela, I just wanted to appreciate you today. I want to thank you for all you do . I remember when I was introduced to you and what you do I was completely broken and lost. I had no idea where I was going, what I was doing and why I felt so much brain fog and confused in every area of my life. I remember the day I came to you I was desperate for direction, relief and clarity. Everything that I knew no longer made sense to me. My life, my marriage, being a mother, existing as a women, person and a business owner made no sense to me anymore. I knew I had to let go but I was fighting to go back to my old self. I wanted so desperately to be back in the familiar but that was not my purpose anymore.
With your guide balancing I was able to see my way though the fog. You helped me see past my fear, embrace the new and the unknown. I was able to see pathways and create what's new. You helped me to work though all my fears, all my insecurities, all my doubts gradually. I now see myself as the queen I am today. I really appreciate what you do and I pray that you continue to do the same work for many many many people who need your help. I pray that they will see that sometimes letting go of the past requires help and guidance and they can and will live the life that they were meant to live and more. Love you Gabby have a wonderful day." Natalie Mississauga
"I wanted to take a moment and thank you Gabriela for your NPT service. Before I came to you I was living on drugs trying to cope with my severe anxiety and depression, once I realized I have a problem I saw a psychiatrist who gave me pills that would make me lie in bed all day long. I tried other resources such as art therapy, natural remedies and more but my mental health could not improve. Right after my first session with you I felt a change, felt lighter. Now it has been a couple of years and I have been clean from all drugs not just that I also feel brand new. I am happiest as I have ever been as well as healthiest.
Your NPT practice has not just cleaned up and revived my mental health but it has also helped my physical health. I was 240Lbs and now I am 195lbs. My family is so happy and grateful for my comeback and I am so grateful to be alive. I do not have the words to express my gratitude for you and your practice as you have literally saved my life. Me and my loved ones thank you forever." Bryan Brampton
"I have first been introduced to Gabriela almost a decade ago. I have been going through a lot of personal issues along with numerous family problems at the time. I have felt that there was no solution to my situation and that things were never going to get better.
After visiting Gabriela and experiencing NPT therapy for the first time, I felt a tremendous release to the point I could not walk. The feeling was so powerful that I remember having tears coming down my face and not being able to drive. Those were tears of release and for the first time in my life-feeling free.
After my first experience, I have book numerous sessions and attended them almost on a monthly basis for the next year. All I want to say is that I am glad I did it. I became more confident each time, started to see solutions instead of problems and started to change my life around. I felt that the doors have opened up and my life started to finally head the direction that I wanted it to go in. Since then, I have been booking regular treatments in order to maintain the wellness that I have achieved.
Thank you Gabriela. I am so thankful for your help in changing my life!" Luke, Toronto
"Over the past 6 months, I have been receiving NPT treatments from Gabriela.
I came to Gabriela after my mom tried her NPT service and noticed instant results and a great difference in herself.
I struggled with anxiety and depression that was a result of some past trauma. When I was 13, I left my country and came to this great land of Canada but this land had much different rules and cultures. I couldn't fit in and felt rejected.
I felt like an alien for a huge part of my life, I was picked on in school and at the same time my parents separated.
This resulted in low confidence, anxiety, depression and over all a very negative state of mind.
In the past I have tried cognitive behavioural therapy with 3 different therapists, a psychiatrist, medication, meditation
and 2 emergency mental health visits at the hospital, with no luck.
Just after my 2 appointments with Gabriela for NPT I could notice the change I always ONLY dreamt of. I cannot insist more on how people who are struggling with anxiety, PTSD, depression or any other mental illness should get involved with NPT. This is the most genuine THANK YOU I will ever give someone.
Thank you Gabriela & Mind and Body Solution. - J., Mississauga
"Amazing experience with Gabriela. Her assessment was both thorough and accurate. I feel lighter, inspired and eager to move forward after my NPT treatment. The environment speaks for itself, it’s calming, warm and free of negativity.
The staff is exceptional, customer service focussed - extremely friendly and welcoming. This type of service is difficult to find and so I consider it a hidden gem. I look forward to returning again soon!
Cheers to Gabriela! - Tricia, Mississauga
"NPT is off the charts. They really care and want you to do and feel better." - Savannah, GTA
The Unlock seminar is probably one of the best things I’ve come across; in fact I enjoyed it so much, I took it a second time.
The first time I took this seminar, I put on my dream board opening a salon. My business partner and I were thinking we would open in a year’s time. Six weeks after this seminar we found the perfect space to start our business. I was blown away!
I also love the techniques shown during the seminar that you can do daily at home to balance yourself to your dream and much more. Truly eye opening and life changing. – Elise, Burlington
"It sounds like a miracle, I know, but with just one NPT treatment Gabriela cured a serious hip and spine problem I suffered from for almost two decades. Gabriela did what neither physicians nor chiropractors were able to do. She discovered the negative emotion behind my illness and cleared it out. My pain and all the symptoms were gone instantly and haven't recurred. Since that time, my family has experienced the power of Gabriela's treatment many times. Thank you Gabriela!" - Ania K., Hamilton
"I began Neuro Plasticity Therapy approximately 6-7 years ago. Six years later, I feel stronger and more able to deal with the daily stresses of life. I no longer ponder "what if" scenarios or feel sorry for myself. My life journey has been a process leading me to this clarification of feelings and insights. I feel contentment in my life that wasn't there before." - Dixie, Mississauga
"When I was diagnosed with breast cancer at 31, I knew I wanted to take an integrative approach to my treatment. I immersed myself into the world of Eastern medicine and practices that supported my overall health, and begun to get the physical aspect under control. But I knew I was missing the emotional and spiritual aspect of my treatment.
Gabriela was recommended to me by my sister-in-law.
I reached out and made an appointment to try the NPT prior to my surgery.
When Gabriela started "decoding" my body in the initial session, she was able to reveal deep rooted things about myself that no one but me could possibly know. After a few sessions, I was feeling great and mentally and emotionally prepared for my surgery. During my recovery, my doctors couldn't believe how quickly I was recovering, and that I didn't need the recommended pain killers. With every check-up they were more and more amazed.
The only physical issue I was having was a condition known as "cording" on my right arm. My surgeon said it would get better over the course of a few months of massage treatments. I saw Gabriela that same day and she was able to check if it was an emotional interference being presented in a physical manner.
The next morning, the cording had completely dissolved.
This journey for me has been one of self-discovery and awakening.
I would highly recommend checking out Mind & Body Solution."
- Jennifer, Mississauga
"Towards the end of the year (2018), I attended the Unlock Your Full Potential seminar held by Gabriela at Mind & Body Solution. As part of the seminar, we were asked to create a dream board and then using a specific type of therapy, Gabriela synchronized the participants to their specific dream boards.
I love hiking and mountaineering has been one of my hobbies for a while. While I was creating my dream board, I came across a picture that just spoke to me. I didn't know where it was taken but I just had to cut it out and glue it to my board.
After the seminar, I put my completed dream board in my home office and I would occasionally look at it and think about all the things I had put on it.
In February (2019), I went on a hiking adventure in Patagonia. We decided to hike to Three Towers at Torres del Paine - a very challenging, but beautiful hike. When we arrived, I saw a beautiful lake surrounded by tall mountains. It was absolutely breathtaking. As I was taking in my beautiful surroundings, I couldn't help but feel that I had seen this place before, even though it was the first time I had been there. I left still not being able to figure out why I felt this way.
Several weeks later, after I returned home, I walked into my office and happened to glance at my dream board. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. It was a picture of the exact place I had hiked to in Torres del Paine. It was at that moment I realized why it had felt so familiar to me at the time.
I guess after all, dreams do come true. You just need to keep believing. I would highly recommend attending the seminar. It is life changing. No dream is impossible. " - Olga M., Milton
"This year I began the Energy Code Balancing Treatments. The breathing techniques that it teaches are an excellent way to ground the mind and allow one to focus on healing the body.
I will be 72 this year and I feel younger and stronger than I have for years. People I haven't seen for a while have noticed a change as well. A recent comment: 'what are you doing? You look way better than the last time I say you (four years ago)'. Me: 'I was getting old and I didn't like it so I changed things around'.
I am just saying that even at this age, improving your life is possible." - D. Roy, Mississauga
"Approximately 20 years ago I was diagnosed with cancer. The treatment recommended to me was to have chemotherapy and radiation. I was worried about what effects these treatments would have on my health and what kind of quality of life I would have if I survived. I was very afraid of what would happen to me if I agreed to the chemo and radiation.
After seeing my Oncologist and expressing my concerns, I was told that if I did not have the recommended treatment, that I would have 5 years to live. I further explained my hesitation and my doctor became very insistent, even going so far as to tell me that he would put his diploma down on the fact that if I did not receive chemo and radiation, I would die.
I maintained my composure and told him I wanted to do things my way. At this he became extremely upset. He even called my daughter and told her that if I did not receive the necessary treatment then I was committing suicide. He then sent me to a psychiatrist because he thought I must be unstable if this was my decision.
I thought a lot about what he had told me and, in the end, I decided to have a partial breast removal without chemo. After I had recovered, I made the choice to not have my lymph nodes removed in order to see if the cancer spread.
I knew in my heart I could beat this without sabotaging my body.
I completely changed my diet. I walked every day and incorporated meditation into my day to day life. I took herbs as an alternative medicine every day for 4 months in order to support and cleanse my body so that it could heal. Most importantly, I gave my body time to heal.
Approximately 8 years ago, I met Gabriela. I started seeing her for NPT and she helped me continue my health journey by getting rid of the reason the cancer had formed in the first place. I have continued to see Gabriela over the years and her treatments really help to support my body and mind.
20 years later, I’m still here and feeling perfect. It was the best decision of my life to reject the chemo and radiation. I am living a full and healthy life. The cancer has not returned because I fixed my whole body, not just the “sick” areas. I supported my body to heal.
I truly hope that doctors have changed the way they think and are more open to working with holistic approaches. There is no reason why the medical community cannot join forces with the holistic community and create healthier people as a whole. " - Olivia, Mississauga